Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where You Will Be At 2012

Al-Mahdi is yet to apppear and the muslim are awaiting his appearance. The Prophet (SAW) said:"The world will not come to an end until a man from my family(descendant) will appear among the people and rule with justice." Fortunately the Prophet(SAW) provided us with various signs on the coming of the Mahdi to inform us about his approach. These signs will be events that will occur of earth. One of the sign of the coming of the Mahdi is the coming of a star(comet) with a luminous tail near earth and lighting up the sky and causing sinking of coastal areas. The Prophet(SAW) said: On the 15th of Ramadan, Friday night there will be a voice(blast) that will awaken the asleep, that will alarm the awake, the noble ladies will come out of their seclusion. That day there will be too many eartquakes.".Therefore, there will be three major landslides like never seen before. One in the east, one in the west and one in Arabian Paninsula. The earth will swallow everything above it and as a result, many people will die. When this disastrous events take place, it looks like without a doubt that technologies, electricities, building, cities, skycrappers ect...will all be destroyed. I mean all the human development will cease to exist and guess what......??believe it or not we will back to the dark ages.
above it? The Propeht (SAW) said : "After me there will be a landslide in the east, landslides in the west and the landslide in the peninsula of Arabia. " On hearing this Umme Salmah said :"Oh Messenger of Allah will the earth swallow what's above it though there are some pious people" The Prophet(SAW) replied ,"When its inhabitant exceeds doin bad and evil." Could this event fortold by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) be the planet X people are talking about today discovered by scientists predicted to occure on 2012. Continue reading and you will be shocked.
Allah says," So thou wait for the day when the heaven shall bring a smoke manifest surrounding the people this is a painful Chastisement." Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said." The final hour will not come until you see a smoke that will rise and cover the whole world. The smoke will affect both the believers and non-believers alike remaining for a period of 40 days and night.
Al-Mahdi will appear before the Dajjal and the Dajjal will appear in the later parts of Imam Mahdi's reign. Prophet (SAW) said: "Dajjal will stay on earth for 40 days, a day like a year, a day like a month and a day like a week, the rest of his 37 days will be like our days. Now what that means is according to the Quran (surra 22 Haj, verse 47) says: "and verily, a day with your lord is a thousand years of what you reckon." So now,1 day on the sight of Allah is a 1000 years of our so here is the calculation, A day in your Lord is a thousand years of yours(surra Al-Haj, verse 47)

1 day= 1000/1=1000 years
1 month=1000/12mon=83.33 years
1 week=1000/52week= 19.23 years

of 1000 years. period and has According to this calculation it was predicted that dajjal began his secret and deceptive organization carried by his followers(Jews) in Britain back around 900 to 1900 which was a span Thus dajjal has completed his 1st day like a year. Dajjal then shifted his power to the United States on 1917 continuing his organization through the United States until 2000 whish was the span of 83.33 years. The year George Bush came into office. After a year during his presidency, the tragedy of 9/11 occured. Thus, Dajjal has complete his 2nd day like a month shifted his organization and power to where, Israel. Dajjal has now enter to his 3rd day like a week period from. 9/11/2001 will last according to the calculation 19.23 years on which his 3rd day like a week will end about 2020. It will be around 2020 where dajjal will come to earth physically for the rest of his remaining 37 days to be like our.
Normal days where human will actually see him as a human being and he will start to rule the world with his deceptive mission accompanied by 70,000 Jews. Some hadith said that Al-Mahdi will rule for 7 years while other hadith say that he will rule for 9 years. Although it was agreed by muslim scholars that Mahdi will rule from 7-9 years and then will pass away afterwards.
then Mahdi appearances should the Prophet SAW said:"Between the Great War and the conquest of the city Constantinople(Istanbul) there will be 6 years, and the dajjal shall appear in the seventh year. This tells us that dajjal will appear during the 7th years of Mahdi' reign. In other words dajjal will come out after the 7th years of Mahdi's if dajjal is going to appear on earth around 2020 be 2020-7= 2013.
1 of the sign of coming the coming of Mahdi is the coming of COMET with a huminous tail that will rise from the EAST. Lets ask ourself, could this comet foretold by our Prophet Muhammad SAW during his life span aout 1376 years ago be the same as planet X that was just discovered recently??? Could be the blast that will awake the asleep and alert the awake be the noise of Planet X??? Could the major landslides on coastal area foretold by the Prophet SAW that will result in the death of many people will be the effect of planet X? Could the smoke that will arise and cover the whole world foretold in the Quran and by the Prophet Muhammad SAW be the effect of planet X?? Could the fire from Yemen and gather the people to their appointed place foretold by the Prophet SAW be the effect of planet X?? Could all the disastrous events that will result in the death of many people all over the world foretold by Prophet Muhammad SAW be the consequences of Planet X that was recently discovered and predicted to occur on 2012.
It was said that when Planet X arrives on 2012 it's effect will cause earthquakes,landslide,tsunami, tornado's, hurricane all the volcano's all over the world will erupt a result 2/3 of the world's population will perish. Do research about planet X and underground bases and tunnel. The US government secret society build about 120 underground bases all over the United States.Find out why but i'm thinking you already guessed it.don't wait to act when it's too late you have the chance now.
you dont have to believe me but you can do your own research on planet X and please pass this to all people you know to make them aware.If we aware about this,we just need to strenghten our religious and i hope we fall in paradise.insya allah

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